2010年1月4日 星期一

Assignments 10 - MIT Open Courseware

It's the best website I've ever seen. I can learn with internet everywhere. There are so many kinds of courses and famous professors. So that, I can leanr the course of famous college without paying any money and don't go abroad. By using this, I image that I just take the classes with them at classroom listerning what the professor said. The most important thing is that it ia all free.

Unfortunately, I am still not the student there. I can't get the diploma of graduation. But can learn the course there, and prepare to enter its graduate school. Althought it is very difficult, I will still do my best.

2009年12月28日 星期一

Assignment 9: New Year Reflections & Hope

This year I have learnd many things. Such as, how to improve my speaking skill. And imprve the relationship with teachers classmates.

At June this year, I graduate from the senior high school. I achievement three years learning at high school. It was a hard time during that three years. But it gave me the most unforgettable memory.

I thought the bigest mistake I did was Thant I didn't get batter grades in the colledge entrance exam. My parents was very disappointed at that time. But if the fact didn't happen, I would not here. And I could not know how better there is. So I am glad that I can enter this school.

The next year. I want to chooes more difficult classes to learn more knowledges. And I decide to look foor a work to earn some money. That's only a thought. In the end, Happy new year.

2009年12月1日 星期二

Assignment 8. Listen to ESL Podcast 528

ESL Podcast 528 – Negotiating Salary

1.open to [phrasal verb]

1 open (something) to (someone or something) : to allow (a particular group of people) to enter, use, or participate in (something) ▪ He opens his home to anyone who needs a place to stay. ▪ This year, we've opened the contest to all children under the age of 16. ▪ They decided to open the meeting to the general public.

2 open (someone or something) to (something) : to cause or allow (someone or something) to be affected by (something bad, such as criticism) ▪ Their actions have opened the government to charges of corruption. ▪ By being secretive about her past, she opens herself (up) to political attacks. [=she makes herself open to political attacks]

2.jump at [phrasal verb]

jump at (something) : to eagerly take (a chance, offer, etc.) ▪ She jumped at the chance/opportunity to show her boss what she could do. ▪ He jumped at the offer of a better job.


an upper limit —usually singular ▪ a price ceiling ▪ The government has put/set/imposed a ceiling on automobile emissions. ▪ Fuel prices are going through the ceiling. [=fuel prices are quickly getting much higher] —opposite floor; see also glass ceiling

2009年11月23日 星期一

Assignments 7 - Listen to Steve Job's talk

(a) Write down the expressions you learn from his talk.

1.drop out phr.休學
2. biological mother n.親生母親
3.unwed adj.未婚的
4. set for phr.準備
5.pop out phr.反悔
6.relent v.緩和
7.naively adv.天真地
8.working-class n.工產階級
9.savings n.儲蓄
10.tuition n.學費
11.deposit n.押金
12.stumble into phr.無意間涉足某事
13.intuition n.直覺
14.typography n.印刷術
15.subtle adj.巧妙的
16.diverge v.相異
17.devastating adj.令人震驚的
18.entrepreneur n.創業者
19.baton n.指揮棒
20.animate v.製作動畫
21.renaissance n.復興
22.biopsy n.活組織檢查
23.endoscope n.內視鏡
24.intestines n.腸
25.sedate adj.鎮定的
26.dogma n.信條
27farewell v.告別

(b) Reflect on his thought.
His biological mother isn't a good mother. It's not a good behave to give her child to other people. But the noly right thing is insisting on her child going to the college. However, Job didn't think about his familly, choosing a very expensive college,and dropping out. How stupid he was.

Refer to the second paragraph,what bad colleagues he work with. How dare they fire their boss ?

At the third paradraph, it's very lucky that the cance could be recovered.

So...Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish

2009年11月15日 星期日

Assignments6 - Listen to Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab

1. A Day at School
taiso fuku n.運動服
kiritsu v.立正
rei v.敬禮
stands and bows to the teacher phr.向老師敬禮
kokugo n.閱讀與寫作

2.A Fun Day
take sb. with phr.帶sb.一起...
at a meeting phr.會議中
Go on a walk phr.散步
go down to phr.往下走
sounds great phr.聽起來不錯

2009年11月10日 星期二

Assignments 5 - Listening Diary

11/07/2009 19:322 to 20:03
Title: 10/22 Holiday Decorations!

indoors and out (phr.)戶內與室外
Easter (N.)復活節
make ones own decoration (phr.)布置
knickknack (N.)小裝飾
be limited to (phr.)被限制於...
ticket sale (N.)門票收入
extravagant (adj.)奢侈的
make the holidays (phr.)製造佳節氣氛
grill (N.)烤爐上的架子
grill out (V.)戶外燒烤
bondfire (N.)大型螢火
11/08/2009 12:40 to 13:17
Title: 10/23Holiday Decorations!

lighten up (v.)放輕鬆
get sb. in the mood (phr.)使sb.心情好
can never have too many (phr.)在...也不嫌多
gets into act (phr.)參加
sledding (N.)滑雪橇
have snowball fight (phr.)打雪仗
Christ (N.)基督

2009年10月17日 星期六

Assignment 4

Question: Is there any rule governing the use of "big" and "large"? If yes, what is it? Use evidences to explain the major difference between the two words. Please limit your answer to 70 words.

Answer :
the meaning of big is large, as in size, height, width, or amount: a big house; a big quantity.

the meaning of largr is of more than average size, quantity, degree, etc.; exceeding that which is common to a kind or class; big; great: a large house; a large number; in large measure; to a large extent.